Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm a Skunt

Angela Singh you win, Balwant Persaud is not a Skunt, Computer Thief, Backtracker, Vote Rigger.
He is a Complete Saint. Let the Canonization Begin.

Coalition Leaders

The buzz is that we will have a coalition of opposition parties. Here is list of possible cabinet members and their expertise. Some of them are multi-talented. They are awe inspiring!

Raphael Trotman – Wife Beating and Backstabbing

Khemraj Ramjattan – Duty Free Concession Selling

Freddie Kissoon – Shit Eating and Writing

CN Sharma – Raping and Witness Tampering

Robert Corbin – Raping and Vote Rigging

Balwant Persaud – Computer Thiefing and Backtracking

Debra Backer – Bank Robbing

Chris Ram – Bookscooking, Extorting, Wife Beating and Pubic Hair Plucking

Peter Ramsaroop – Peeping and Plantain Chip Making

Sheila Holder – Bitching

Mark Benschop - Protesting, Witness Tampering and Assholing

Monday, July 5, 2010

I could forge any document!

Top 10 Reasons why I should be SKUNT of the Week

10. I’m so useless the PNC got rid of me

9. I lied to the Canadian government to get Asylum for Romel Jagroop

8. I won 2 out of 967 of my frivolous immigration cases

7. I extort money from poor people with visa promises

6. I rob students of their dreams and money with student visa promises

5. I rob Jaipaul Jaikarran 1.2M Dollars

4. I rob Nadira Mohan 1M Dollars

3. I’m a master forger I forged the acceptance letter of Humber College

2. I’m upset because my PPP friends turn their backs on me, when they found out I was a criminal.

1. If only I was smart as Winston, Ashni and Bharrat, I could have been a contender.