Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Skunt of the Week - Sasenarine Singh

Top 10 Reasons why I'm a Skunt!

10 - I beat up my wife.
9 - I put her and our children out of the house.
8 - Took her back when I find out she get government scholarship.
7 - Got fired from all 27 jobs they gave me.
6 - Got her pregnant when there was a chance, that she may not take me to Manchester.
5 - I applied for the Minister of Finance job.
4- I suffer from delusions of grandeur.
3- Turned against government when they refused to pay for my Phd.
2 - I'll do anything to get power even join the evil PNC and opportunistic AFC.
1 - I'm consumed by bitterness and can't control myself - "Corbin please take me"

1 comment:

  1. These guys love to over estimate their importance. With a track record like this he is still hoping to be trusted with a position of privilege? Who the fuck is he kidding? He is just another fucking pretender!!!
